Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Decajour IV: Feb 2 - 11

Dreamed last night that I met Hope Clark, the editor of FundsforWriters.   I subscribed to her newsletter before the Teen Emergency Years (2010-14), in both its paid and unpaid forms.  In my dream, Hope and I met in Austin as I was researching an article;  she was taller and somehow 'more golden' than her image online.    I was a little awestruck in the dream (in a way I would not be in person), but this has me poring over her free newsletter for any opportunities I may have missed. 

If any of my readers are feeling gifty, my birthday is only 5 months and 2 weeks away.  Fifteen bucks'll get you pushpinned onto the Immortal Corkboard of Support & Gratitude (Suzanity, Anya,  Raul G and Angel already have been duly mounted).    Wait, that didn't sound right. . . 

A friend wrote to me yesterday saying that while she appreciated the idea of the 'decajour' --10 days might be too long for her particular attention span.  I began to wonder what might be at the back of my easy adoption of this cycle - one I vaguely noticed after I read Turnbull's book (in 1973).    Today I realized that the old weekly cycle is based on the classical seven planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.   But with the addition of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto (yes, I know Pluto is a planetoid), we have 10.   Or actually, 10 gods - even if the Greeks didn't actually deify the Sun/Moon dyad.     So why didn't the week change?  How is it we can preserve the atavism of the gods/planets as the name of each day, but can't update them to include the more recently-discovered members of our solar system?

Apparently my creative body seems to have made this shift.  If I count the 1st of the decajour as Sunday (and this time it actually fell on a Sunday), then it goes Moonday (today), Marsday (Tues), Wodinsday (Weds), Jupitersday (Thurs), Venusday (Fri), Saturnsday (Sat) -- then in order of discovery -- Ouranosday,  Poseidensday and Plutosday.  

Alas.  The world of employment has eaten most of this d'jour.   I went for an interview for a second j.o.b. - and it seems I got it - though I won't actually be in the saddle till late March.  But that means that I have to wrap up my current workload before I head out to training.  Hyaaaah! (Crack!)

I did, however, go to an art opening (and opening and opening and opening) at the UNM galleries on Friday - which brought an intense desire to write about that work... but as I have five (ok, 4 and 0) in progress, I made my notes and will leave them to ferment  until one or another of the other pieces are finished.   Dang.

Truth: I barely touched Project #1.  It sat in a small pile near by writing/fainting couch (when you visit you'll see), opened two or three times.  It seemed to take about an hour for the Genii  of the piece  to rise and circulate, and by that time, I had to get back to my wage slavery.

Argh.  Argh, I say.


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